Chapter 4

Primary Linkages

  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Slider-Crank: This linkage consists of a crank, connecting rod, slider and ground.
  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Fourbar Linkage: This very common linkage consists of a crank, coupler, rocker and ground.
  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Slider-Crank: This linkage consists of a crank, connecting rod, slider and ground.
  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Inverted Slider-Crank: This linkage consists of a crank, slider, rocker and ground.
  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Geared fivebar linkage: This linkage consists of two gears, two couplers and ground.
  • Accel
  • Vel
  • Disp
Acceleration Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Velocity Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Displacement Plot shown in browser supporting animations
Cam-Follower: The cam-follower changes rotary motion of the cam to translational motion of a cam. The cam-follower pictured is known a rocker configuration.